ISSN: 2247-2452
исследовательская статья
Personal method for predetermination the implants abutment angula-tion, befor the surgical stage
Короткая статья
The effects of rotary ni-ti canal instruments on canal curvature in the preparation of curved canals
Pathologic findings in the toothless parts of the jaw-bonnes
Обзорная статья
Dental Medicine School Timisoara, Romania - looking for the future
Cross-infection in dentistry and its control
The signification of collagen fibers proportion and the cellular type inflammation in chronic periodontal diseases
История болезни
Prevalence of temporomandibular joint sideways disc displacement in symptom-free volunteers and comparison of signal intensity ratios of masticator muscles on magnetic resonance images
Multiple fluoride exposure
The frequency of patients with cardiovascular and endocrine diseases in a dental faculty