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Toxoplasmosis and luteinizing hormone in women with and without repeated abortions in Baghdad

Zahra S. Al-Gharawi

To determine the association of toxoplasmosis infection with serum luteinizing hormone (s. LHL) levels; we conducted this study on women from Baghdad who had repeated spontaneous abortion. In this study, a group of pregnant women who had a single abortion (Group I) and a second group who had multiple abortions (Group II) were compared with a third group of healthy pregnant women who served as controls (Group III). All were admitted to Al-Karakh Public Hospital in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, and were tested for positive and negative IgG as well as s. LHL. Of the 45 patients in the first group, 53% showed a slight increase in positive IgG while 47% of these patients had negative IgG within the normal range compared to women with normal pregnancy. 73% of the second group showed a significant increase in positive IgG levels and the corresponding s. LHL was significantly high. In addition, a significant increase in s. LHL was observed in the second group, which had negative IgG. These results may reveal a significant contribution of hypers. LHL to the recurrence of spontaneous abortion cases in Baghdad.

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