
The Jurchens Religious Construction on the Obrivistiyi Cape in Primorye

Nadezhda G. Artemeva

The Jin ritual construction located on the Obrivistiyi Cape in Primorye was discovered in 2001.It was dated back to XII-XIII. Its square was 160 m2. The long side of the construction was orientated from the north-east to south-west. The entrance was situated on the southwestern part of the narrow side. The risen up floor in the center of the building was used as a place of shrine. The temple had V-shapes roof without any molding decorations. Nowadays it is the largest and to some extent, the most significant place of worship of that period in Primorye. Archeological research revealed some typical architectural features of the Jin temples (a sort of confluence of the Jurchen and Chinese buddhistic architectural traditions). Plenty of roofing tiles, some weaponry and tools were excavated there.