
Premature Rupture Of Membranes And Associated Factors Among Pregnant Women Admitted In Maternity Ward, Amhara Regional State Referral Hospitals, North-West Ethiopia

Getie Lake Aynalem*, Medina Hussen Ali, Abayneh Aklilu Solomon, Zerfu Mullaw Endale

The aim of this study was to assess premature rupture of membranes and associated factors among pregnant women who are admitted to maternity and labor ward Amhara regional state referral hospitals, North West Ethiopia, 2017. Institutional based cross-sectional study. Among the admitted pregnant women, 54 (8.7%) developed premature rupture of the membranes. Mothers with previous history of this problem, (AOR=12.3; 95% CI 5.5, 27.2), mothers who did not have antenatal follow up (AOR=4.5, 95% CI 1.3, 15.5), mothers with polyhydramios (AOR=5.5; 95% CI 1.1, 26.5), and with offensive vaginal discharges (AOR=4.5; 95% CI 1.43, 13.9) were significantly positively associated variables with premature rupture of membranes. We recommend pregnant mothers to have adequate ante-natal care follow up which is the best opportunity for being provided protective provisions.