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Natural Gas Hydrate (Clathrates) as an Untapped Resource of Natural Gas

Amit Arora, Swaranjit Singh Cameotra* and Chandrajit Balomajumder

Rapid growth in energy demand, coupled with the worry of anthropological discharge of CO2 into the environment has seen unusual growth in consumption of natural gas. Exhaustion of conventional reserves of fossil fuel has resulted in the rise of their price which has led to exploitation of novel resources through modern technologies. Methane gas hydrates is one such source of methane gas which is captured in crystalline ice like structure in permafrost regions and under the sea in outer continental margins. It is evaluated that total amount of carbon in the form of methane Clathrate is far more than the carbon content in all the fossil fuel reserves put together and hence these are seen as the future potential energy resource. CO2 capturing is gaining high attention being a major greenhouse gas. CO2 Sequestration of gas hydrates can take out methane from Gas hydrates and can reduce the global warming by achiveing two objectives of giving new resource of energy methane the burning fuel by reducing pollution.