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Impact of Over-Erupted Maxillary Third Molar on Attrition of Incisors: A Report of Two Cases

Lei Wang, Wei Xiong, Shaoxiong Guo, Meiqing Wang

Cases of interocclusal space loss without an obvious reduction in the vertical dimension are difficult to manage. Herein, we
present two cases of severe anterior tooth wear without an obvious reduction in the vertical dimension and with over-erupted left
maxillary third molar(s).
Occlusal contact features were analysed and chewing patterns were assessed using a series of electronic instruments.
The over-erupted maxillary third molar caused a rotational chewing movement to the opposite side of the over-eruption, leading to
abnormal loading on the anterior teeth, causing their heavy wear. Limitation of such a compensatory movement was observed in
Case #2, with orofacial pain, but not in Case #1, without orofacial pain.
The study proposes the role of posterior occlusion in severe anterior tooth wear and offers new insights into the role of modulating
posterior occlusion for the prevention and functional treatment of anterior tooth wear.