Sherkhan A.S., Waghmare Somnath and Gomas V.S.
Campylobacter jejuni is a food-borne, highly antibiotic-variable pathogen that causes gastroenteritis in humans. In this study, we summarize the efficacy of Peb1a from Campylobacter jejuni with 259 amino acids. The antigenic peptides of Peb1a from Campylobacter jejuni are most suitable for the development of subunit vaccine, since with a single epitope, the immune response can be elicited in a large population. In this study, we used PSSM and SVM algorithms to predict MHC class I and II binding peptide, antigenicity, solvent accessibility, polar and non-polar residue to analyze the regions that are likely to be exposed on the surface of proteins that are potentially antigenic, which allows potential drug targets to identify active sites against the infection, as well as to develop effective drugs for its treatment.